The all-volunteer working board manages the work of the foundation, including organizing community events, raising funds for the endowment, publicizing foundation goals and activities, and approving annual grants to benefit the residents of Shoreview. This position requires a commitment to financially support the organization, be actively engaged in monthly all-board meetings (typically evenings) in addition to servings on one or more of our several sub-committees. Board members communicate with donors and constituents. Drive organizational planning and management.
Primary Responsibilities
Potential members must have a passion for community service. Commitment to serve on a working all-volunteer working board and serve on one of four committees: Marketing & Communication, Grants, Events, or Donor Relations. Active participation in the foundation's community events.
Youth members must be in at least 9th grade and can serve until they graduate from high school. After graduation, our youth members may remain on the board as a regular board member.
We are looking for members who are:
· Committed to serving the community of Shoreview
· Energetic, strong work ethic, goal-oriented
· Communication skills, written and verbal
· Problem solving and critical thinking skills
· Tech skills or willing to learn
· Leadership, fundraising experience
Shoreview residents and/or business owners who would like to be considered to serve on the board are encouraged to send a brief summary of their work and community experience to:
The Shoreview Foundation is an affiliate of the Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation. We seek to maintain, enhance and enrich the quality of live for the residents of Shoreview, Minnesota by connecting the generosity of people with the evolving needs of the community. The foundation advisory board consists of 9 members and 3 youth members, all with voting rights. Board officers are: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary. In addition, we have several sub-committees. Board terms are 3 years and members can serve 2 consecutive terms of 3 years each. Emeritus members may return to the board once they have been off the board for one year.
About Us
Volunteer Advisory Board Member Position Description